Friday, October 12, 2012

Web 2.0 Exploration, LIBE 477 #3: Photosharing and Blog Posts as Assignment Format

Re -  "A series of Blog Posts, on your own blog, about a different Web 2.0 tool/resource that we will be exploring each week."

I'm behind by a week due to various items, but certainly in part because of tech "fiddle time."  Getting oneself to stop sorting and organizing, trying out tech options, researching and defining the media can be time consuming if not all consuming!  While I'd like to go on to sample more photosharing options such as drop box, photobucket and imgur (thanks Aaron and Karen Lam for the suggestions), I'm going to stop after I finish my concluding statements of my experience with Picasa and flickr and move onto the video sharing ... and more learning curves.

Further, signing up for these various Web 2.0 accounts reminds me of all the plastic in my wallet & the game of collecting consumer information by joining something.  While these companies tout that they want to "make my experience richer," my account information & membership will no doubt be used to try and sell me something.  I decided to be 19 for my flickr/Yahoo account and kept my profile very basic - give me a break from collecting demographic info in the guise of making my experience even better - ugh.  At least my Google account seems to allow me to buy pass yet another new account and passwords to keep track of (& more collection of personal data by companies) for some of the items we've been trying.

As for blogging to post assignments, I'm finding that journey liberating and creative from a student perspective  but from an evaluator's perspective, I think I may dislike tracking down and connecting various posts to link completed projects.  You must find this process fine Aaron as "the series of blog posts" is just that - an assignment that you have to wade through many posts to find our writings.  How do you know when I've completed my assignment (I guess we all will state when it's our final post)?  If students don't use consistent titles, couldn't you miss some writings?

I'm thinking that you're encouraging the dialog process which again is full of learning and networking potential (& also potentially argumentative and negative when someone flames or is inappropriate , but as an evaluator it appears daunting.

Well summation blog post tomorrow for the photosharing project and then hopefully I can get my laptop to recognize my iPhone, so I can download my library video clips.  Until then, Shannon M-A.

1 comment:

  1. It can be hard to keep track of when everyone is blogging, but thats why I love Google Reader, it tells me if I have any unread blog posts in the 477B bundle I created..I can easily see on my smartphone whenever someone in the class has published. You need to setup the processes so that the information comes to you!

    I haven't seen a good old internet flame war in quite some time. Most people on the net are nice, and polite...helps build a sense of community.
