Friday, October 12, 2012

Photosharing from Picasa Web Book

Success again - I love it!  I've figured out how to better run my Picasa software on my laptop, then how to upload it into Google+ and from there how to embed it into this post.  The process took way too long, but hopefully I'll get faster!  I still need to see if I can play with sizing; the below scrolling images are quite small.

Below is a completed goal of creating a year-end visual report.  Rather than a paper document, I plan to do a visual, multi-media show each year that I can easily share on the library blog, as well as at assemblies.  School year end slide show, you now have some competition!  Someone teach me how to put this to music that doesn't break copyright!  Next I must try flickr to compare and possibly Drop Box.


  1. Love it! What a great looking library! It should be easy to make the photo slideshow when you emebed it. Check out this site:

    1. Thanks for the link, not only will I size my embedded slideshows to fit the view screen better in the future, but I also downloaded 4 of the 5 "Interesting Blogging Apps for iPhones" & subscribed to BoggerSentral. This is all getting a little addictive!

      I'm thinking "Writeroom" will not be needed if I start to use "Blogpress." With just being in Parkview Library two days a week, this "on the fly" blogging potential may be my new pastime when in waiting rooms, or waiting for kids to surface from activities!

  2. has a wealth of music that is copyright free for anyone to use. You can probably find something you'd like there. Give it a try.
