Thursday, October 11, 2012

Web 2.0 Exploration, LIBE 477 #2

Re -  "A series of Blog Posts, on your own blog, about a different Web 2.0 tool/resource that we will be exploring each week."

I've been really enjoying Google+ as a meeting forum for LIBE 477.  "First Class," our school district email software, has a weak, weak chat option: you literally have to tape your voice and then send it; no real time interaction unless you type!  Our district has ceased tech requests to download skype because it is a "downloadable file," and thus poses potential virus threats to SD83 computers.  Therefore Google+ is looking very attractive for teacher-librarian meetings and networking professionally and privately - now the challenge is to get my colleagues signed up!   Success with one brave member  thus far (one who was determined to make the time; "time" being a major inhibitor for my colleagues joining yet another new thing).  I have yet to try Elluminate and would love to hear instructor Aaron's thoughts on this software as well as any of the rest of you. When do you use Elluminate vs Google+ - strengths and weaknesses of each ...

I'm still feeling pretty much a dabbler in many Web 2.0 products and a master of none. I keep telling myself it's good that I'm interested and trying.  My students are asking each week for me to get Edmodo up and running for this school year (a must do this weekend!).  In the meantime, I've been spending way too much time or finding, sorting, organizing pictures from both Parkview and home life.  One download from my iPhone alone was 793 pics: Parkview pics intertwined with many family functions - note to self - download pics frequently.  Ahh, yes, but then my next tech glitch, my iPhone will no longer list as a device on my laptop so I haven't been able to download recent pics; hence sifting through files from the last two years on my CPU.  My husband is so glad I've paid over $500 to take this course and finally organize pictures!  

Therein lies the problem of my cohort and possibly generation. "Technology" use can be a steep learning curve for us, so we tend to dabble until we get stuck.  Then we either drop it or it seems to take a long time to progress in the right direction, so we're ... SLOW.  I diligently tried the iPhone forum for solutions and am now at having to reinstall drivers on my laptop - I stopped there as it's not my comfort zone yet.  Rather I will try downloading to another computer in my house and try a network share option (another learning curve) or use a good old fashioned thumb drive to transfer files.

Twitter I have an account and following three people, but tweetless myself.  Sounds like Shannon Curtis and probably others are tweeting out to members in the class - good on you.  I must sign up your accts.  Moodle platforms, RSS feeds, Picassa Web Books other items on my check list and must be delved into.  Thus time to close off this post and "must list" and do some doing instead.  Shannon M-A.

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